Reflection and photos: Southern alumni gather June 2024

Written by Tam Nguyen

“Change is not easy.”

 Those were the words that Fr. Long Phi Nguyen, SVD, spoke as he emphasized that “change makes it possible for new things to come.”  And we know how true that is.  Without going into details, we experienced this throughout our lives, from our youth to adulthood.  We voyaged to a new land and new home.  We changed schools and jobs in order to better our lives. We met new friends who were willing to take the journey with us.

Fr. Long Phi shared these thoughts during an alumni gathering in the Southern U.S. in June. This group of alumni has been gathering annually for several years to support one another and to rekindle the missionary spirit from their years in formation.  

The best part about this journey is that we were never alone.  Throughout the year and for many years, our kids have known and remembered each other since they were toddlers, knowing each other by name.  They play and move like a community of minions during the gathering.  We adults keep in contact and share the joys and sorrows in our lives.    We participate in problem-solving and decision-making.  We listen to each other's concerns and accept advice without questioning each other.  We take the time to support the SVD mission in prayer and financially to our capacity.  We learn to balance our own needs and that of the mission.

Within this change, Fr. Long Phi spoke to us about our priorities.  Fr. Phong Nguyen, SVD challenged us to be followers.  Fr. Toan Vu, SVD reminded us about being poor in spirit.  And if they asked us what we consider most important, I would say these men, women, and children are a communal family for each other.  For many years, they have been disciples of Christ by following each other.  They have sacrificed time for each other, their local communities, and the mission.  Their examples set the road as a peace maker and “nothing comes out of their goodness through selfishness.”  And they showed their generosity by accepting the call and the spirit, by opening their hands to new things to come.

I sincerely thank the southern alumni families and SVDs (aka The Cabinet) for a wonderful journey.